Thursday, October 8, 2009 Interviews THQ*ICE

Five questions about Dragonica Online were asked and answered in an interview an representative had with Product Manager Ben Serviss. Here is a quote from the full interview: What future updates are planned for Dragonica? Are there any that can't be found in the other versions?

THQ*ICE: The development team is constantly working on new content to expand the game – new maps, features, rare items, monsters; there’s a lot of really exciting content on the way. More exclusive content for the US audience is in the works as well – we recently held our inaugural in-game celebration of International Talk Like a Pirate Day, which was a huge success!

To make our cash shop items more accessible to players, we’re launching Game Cards in retail stores early October. It’s an exciting time for our team and we hope players get excited as well.
Click here to read the full interview on